Get Involved

▶Take Action: Supporter Checklist◀

Your elected officials need to hear from you. Whether it is a formal letter, a quick postcard, an email, or Twitter post, policymakers depend on receiving information and guidance from their constituents and other citizens.

By learning the legislative process, speaking up for your loved one, advocating for change, and voting for lawmakers for support reform, you can make a real impact in changing the unfair laws.
PleadThe8th: Do you have a loved one incarcerated since childhood in Florida? Join us on Twitter.

How to

Take Action


Contact your legislators!

  • Call & email your local House Representative.
  • Call & email your local Senator.
  • Make an appointment to meet with House Rep and/or Senator.
  • Share our posts on social media or other posts about criminal justice reform.
  • Share our fact sheets or proposed bill with Legislatures.
  • Attend Legislative Delegation meetings in your county.
  • Reach out to Legislators on the Criminal Justice Committee.
  • Reach out to Legislators that have supported criminal justice bills in the past.


Write Letters to the Editor of your local newspaper.

  • Letters to the editor are great advocacy tools. After you contact your elected officials, sending letters to the editor can achieve other advocacy goals because they reach a large audience and are read by elected officials.
  • Make it personal.
  • Send letters to weekly community newspapers.
  • Include your contact information.


Social Media

  • Social media is a great tool to use to advocate for your cause.
  • Most Legislators are active on Twitter and other social media platforms.
  • Tweet & tag to remind them that change is needed and that we demand justice.
  • Share posts from us and others fighting for criminal justice reform.
  • Use our Resources page to find other organizations supporting criminal justice reform.
  • Share facts to educate and bring awareness to others.

Find your local Senator or Representative here:

Nothing will change if WE do not take action!

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