▶Take Action: Supporter Checklist◀
✅ The #PleadThe8th Movement demands justice and equality for youth involved in the Florida justice system. Support our cause and get our newsletters!
✅ Join our Facebook Group: Connect with us here to stay informed.
✅ We can advocate for change by following, posting, and tweeting at lawmakers on social media. Many lawmakers utilize Twitter and you can use this platform to voice your concerns. Share posts to remind lawmakers that we demand justice and equality.
▶Make sure you’re following us on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and especially Twitter to stay updated. @pleadthe8th
✅ Share Our Posts: Help us spread the word by sharing our posts at least once a week. 🔃
✅ Tell your friends, family, and anyone you meet about our cause and why it matters.
✅ Any skill or time you offer is crucial—help us grow by volunteering.
✅ Know someone who needs volunteer hours? As a 501(c)(3) organization, volunteering with us can count towards their goals.
If there’s a court hearing near you, showing up can make a big difference in demonstrating public interest and support.
✅ Find out who represents you. Understanding who your lawmakers are and how the legislative process works is essential for effective advocacy.
✅ Write letters, make phone calls, or send emails to your lawmakers about the changes you want to see. 📞📨📞📨
Legislative Delegation meetings are held in each county prior to the new legislative session. Senators and Representatives from each district attend, allowing the public to present legislative proposals, request funding, or share opinions on state issues. These meetings offer you the opportunity to address multiple lawmakers, allowing you to educate them on important issues and ask for their support.
✅ Attend events where lawmakers are present. Interacting with them is crucial to our cause.
✅ If you have a story to tell about your loved one’s experience with the justice system, write about it to local or national media.
✅ Come with us to legislative sessions and help push for the laws we need reformed.
✅ You must exercise your right to vote and vote smart. We can influence policy changes by voting for leaders aligned with justice reform.
✅ If you or a loved one has been affected by juvenile justice issues, tell us your story. We want to hear and share it. www.pleadthe8th.com/blog
✅ Make videos about the injustices your loved one faced and post them online. Tag us!
✅ When shopping, choose to round up your purchase to support our cause—select PleadThe8th as your charity at checkout.
✅ Use Facebook or Instagram to start a fundraiser for us. It’s easy and can really help amplify our efforts.
✅ Every donation helps us keep fighting for justice. Several ways to donate are available through our website. www.pleadthe8th.com/donate
✅ Get some PleadThe8th gear which 100% supports & brings awareness to our cause.
✅ Help us provide essential reentry items for those incarcerated since childhood through our Walmart Registry. Your purchases directly benefit those in need.
Your elected officials need to hear from you. Whether it is a formal letter, a quick postcard, an email, or Twitter post, policymakers depend on receiving information and guidance from their constituents and other citizens.
Write Letters to the Editor of your local newspaper.
Social Media
Find your local Senator or Representative here:
Nothing will change if WE do not take action!
Read court rulings and more about the injustices youth face in Florida.
Read more about the injustices youth face in the criminal justice system across the United States.
A gift today helps us fight for kids without a voice.
is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed under the law.
Tweet & Share to remind those in power that we demand justice and equality.