What We Do

What We Do

We are dedicated to educating, advocating, and transforming the justice system into having fairer, safer, and more effective practices. We are passionately committed to creating a fair and just system for youth involved in the criminal justice system. Through our multifaceted approach, encompassing educational initiatives, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing, and transitional and re-entry support, we envision a future where every young individual is given an opportunity for rehabilitation and a path to a brighter future.

Education & Awareness

Policy Advocacy

Grassroots Organizing

Reentry Support

Public Education

We engage in public education to raise the profile of issues affecting children. We develop educational resources, conduct workshops, and promote public awareness campaigns to inform communities, stakeholders, members of the media, and policymakers about the challenges faced by incarcerated kids and emphasize the importance of reform.

Grassroots Organizing

We engage the community in advocating for a fair justice system. We empower and mobilize volunteers, collaborate with other organizations, and host events to amplify our collective voices and drive change. By engaging members of communities, we are able to amplify our message to bring attention to the violations of constitutional rights and human rights abuses committed against children and push for reforms that will lead to long-term systemic change.


We aim to influence and shape policies related to the mass incarceration of kids. We conduct extensive research, develop evidence-based arguments, and engage in efforts to advocate for reforms that prioritize protections of constitutional and human rights, rehabilitation, education, and alternative sentencing options.

Transitional & Reentry Support

Our Reentry Support offers vital resources for individuals reintegrating into society after being incarcerated since childhood. We connect them with housing, employment services, and our new mentorship initiative. This initiative pairs them with experienced mentors for guidance before and after release, ensuring they are equipped for successful reintegration.


Housing Assistance

Food Security

Essential Items


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