PleadThe8th Promoting Liberatino, Empowering Advocacy, Dismantling Tyranny- Hope for Equality, and 8th Amendment Transformation & Humanity


 PleadThe8th is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, advocating, and transforming the justice system into having fairer, safer, and more effective practices.  We believe that everyone should be treated equally and fairly without regard to their race, religion, or background.

We have a specific focus on addressing the challenges of youth incarceration. Through strategic advocacy, education, empowerment, and collaboration, we aim to drive meaningful change, reshape policies, and create a more just and equitable future for individuals impacted by the legal system.

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"There is no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” 

  -Nelson Mandela

Mass Incarceration of Kids, 2,638 incarcerated in Florida for crimes committed as children.
32,359 people incarcerated since childhood in the US

Florida currently imprisons 2,632 individuals who committed crimes as children, subjecting them to harsh, excessive, biased, inequitable, and disproportionate punishments.

🚨PleadThe8th Announcements:

  • Terrence Graham, Graham v. Florida, Graham v. Florida, Terrence Graham, PleadThe8th, Terrance Graham, Advocate, Educate, Equality, Justice, Eighth Amendment, #PleadThe8th

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    READ MORE: PleadThe8th Advocates for Juvenile Justice Reform in Florida

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  • SB930, HB1041, TERRENCE GRAHAM, GRAHAM V. FLORIDA, PLEADTHE8TH, Graham v. Florida, Terrence Graham, PleadThe8th, Terrance Graham, Advocate, Educate, Equality, Justice, Eighth Amendment, #PleadThe8th

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    READ MORE: PleadThe8th Advocates for Juvenile Justice Reform with SB930 Filing 

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  • PleadThe8th, Rachaun Blount court hearing, Juvenile Justice, Youth Justice Reform

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    READ: Florida's Failure in Juvenile Sentencing Reform: Will Rachaun Blount Finally See Justice?

  • TERRENCE GRAHAM, GRAHAM V. FLORIDA, PLEADTHE8TH, Graham v. Florida, Terrence Graham, PleadThe8th, Terrance Graham, Advocate, Educate, Equality, Justice, Eighth Amendment, #PleadThe8th

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  • Jessica Richardson, PleadThe8th, Terrence Graham's release, News4Jax interview, Graham v. Florida

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  • PleadThe8th in the news, Graham v. Florida, Terrence Graham, Terrance Graham, news4jax, interview, release

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  • TERRENCE GRAHAM, GRAHAM V. FLORIDA, PLEADTHE8TH, Graham v. Florida, Terrence Graham, PleadThe8th, Terrance Graham, Advocate, Educate, Equality, Justice, Eighth Amendment, #PleadThe8th

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    READ: It's Time to Wake Up, Floridians:

    Kids At Risk of 15 Years in Prison for Phones and Coins with Current Bills HB1181/SB1274

Join Our Movement

Support our mission to bring justice to youth involved in the criminal justice system.

Learn about our mission, values, beliefs, and principles guiding our work in juvenile justice reform.

Discover the programs and activities we undertake to advocate for and implement juvenile justice reform.

Meet the dedicated individuals behind PleadThe8th who drive our initiatives and embody our values.

The U.S. is currently engaged in one of the largest government-sanctioned human rights abuses against children in the world today.

Explore upcoming and past events that foster community involvement and raise awareness about juvenile justice issues.

Learn more about our goals to reform the legal system.

Learn about our ongoing projects, impactful campaigns, and the tangible changes we are fostering in the community and beyond.

6th Grader's Winning Speech:

Kids in Prison & Graham v. Florida

In this powerful speech that clinched 3rd place in her entire middle school's competition, a 6th grader delves into the landmark case of Graham v. Florida, under the theme 'Turning Points in History.' Focusing on 'Kids in Prison,' she passionately discusses the significant impact of this landmark Supreme Court decision on juvenile justice reform.

â–¶ Going beyond the case, she delves into the inequitable review law and shares the story of Geneva's excessive punishment, underscoring the urgent need for a justice system that prioritizes fairness and rehabilitation over harsh penalties.


â–¶ This insight comes from the daughter of PleadThe8th's founder, who herself has been closely involved with justice reform advocacy. This young advocate's insightful and passionate plea serves as a reminder of the power of informed voices in driving justice reform. It also shines a light on PleadThe8th's mission, an organization named by her, dedicated to educating, advocating, and empowering communities for a more just and equitable system.

🎥 Watch as she passionately calls for an equitable and fair justice system that recognizes the potential for change.

Children deserve fair and equal punishments that are age-appropriate and proportionate to the crime.

State of Florida's excessive punishments on children.
Join the PleadThe8th Movement; no justice, no peace
Florida's mass incarceration of children

About the Issue

Learn more about the injustices youth face in the legal system in Florida and across the United States.

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Criminal justice news and updates, legislation we support, and more on the legislative process.

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About the Issues

Overview of issues within Florida's legal system highlighting sentencing disparities, legal ambiguities, disproportionate punishments, and Supreme Court precedents.

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Explore comprehensive data analyzing trends and disparities in juvenile sentencing within Florida, particularly focusing on the shifts following legislative reforms in 2014.

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Examine real-world examples where juvenile sentencing has significantly exceeded guidelines, highlighting the critical need for reforms aligned with developmental science and rehabilitation principles.

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Florida lawmakers must reform existing laws to align with human rights standards found in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The Eighth Amendment: excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Delve into the complexities of Florida Statute §921.1402, uncovering the legal and practical issues that arise from its application.

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Review court cases that have interpreted and applied Florida Statute 921.1402.

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This overview delves into the various facets of the system’s failures.

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Youth incarceration is a pressing concern across the United States, with over 32,000 young individuals currently behind bars for crimes committed during childhood.

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Review the pivotal U.S. Supreme Court rulings that have reshaped juvenile sentencing nationwide. Understand the legal precedents that continue to impact the philosophy and implementation of juvenile corrections in Florida and beyond.

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This landmark decision emphasized the need for sentencing that reflects the lesser culpability of juveniles and their greater capacity for change, setting a precedent for reform in juvenile justice across the United States.

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Our blog Voices of the Silenced allows those currently or formerly incarcerated as children to voice their stories and experiences.

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ALL kids should have the opportunity of a judicial review hearing to show maturity and rehabilitation.

Reentry Obstacles

Youth incarcerated individuals face a myriad of challenges upon release. Many have spent their formative years behind bars, often lacking access to education, skills development, and mental health services. 

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Reentry Resources

Explore essential housing resources designed to support individuals reentering society in Florida. This guide offers a curated list of services and programs aimed at facilitating a smooth and successful transition back into the community.

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Advocacy Resources

From detailed analyses on the mass incarceration of children to direct links for engaging with Florida's legislative framework, find everything you need to educate, advocate, and participate in meaningful change.

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In the News

Stay informed with the latest media coverage.

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The Legislative Process Explained

Understanding the legislative process is crucial for effective advocacy.

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Legislation We Support

Discover bills and legal measures we endorse to ensure fair treatment and improved conditions for youth and adults in the legal system.

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Young people are funneled through a system that is inhumane, unsafe, costly, and full of racial and ethnic disparities. 

Ways to Get Involved

Review our Supporter Checklist for more ways you can get involved in our movement for change.

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Share Your Story

Sharing your story or the story of a loved one can illuminate truths often left in the shadows, challenge misconceptions, and spark meaningful change.

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Volunteer With Us

View our current needs and use our volunteer sign-up form to express your interest in supporting the cause!

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We do not write off or give up on youth – young people deserve the opportunity to show maturity and rehabilitation. 

Youth incarceration by state
PleadThe8th Incarcerated Youth sentenced decades longer than necessary

Youth should receive the least permissible sentence and incarceration should only be used for heinous crimes. 

We challenge Florida to address the human rights violations, disproportionate sentencing, racial disparities, changing court rulings, and the ambiguous and unfair laws.

Youth are subjected to disproportionate punishments that are above mandatory minimums, scoresheet totals, & state averages. Is it okay to sentence a child to 20+ years for a crime that should be 5 years?

All youth do not have a review mechanism. How is it fair that some are allowed, but others are not? Didn't the US Supreme Court base their decisions in Graham/Miller on review mechanisms?

Is it okay that Appellate courts and the Florida Supreme Court rule in favor of term sentences being reviewable for several years allowing review hearings, but then change the ruling years later resulting in inequitable treatment of youth?

Is it okay that one law states that an offender under 18 is entitled to review, but then the pursuant law excludes them because their crime was committed before the effective date of that law?

To achieve real and lasting change, we should not only seek to move people in positions of power, but also to build power in our communities.

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